
READY TO JOIN? Click HERE to enroll online. 

Don’t Want to Enroll Online? We can help: To register directly with our branch, download our Application Form HERE, or contact , Cindy Porterfield, at and she will provide you with the appropriate application form and additional information.

Annual Dues

Annual dues are $112 .*  If you have questions regarding special rates for students, please contact the Membership Chair , JoeAnn Bruzzo, at

* Tax Deductibility: $89 is tax deductible.  ($69 of the National Dues and $20 of our branch dues are tax deductible because National and our Branch are 501c3 tax exempt nonprofit organizations.)

We look forward to meeting you!


Atascadero AAUW is a vibrant organization with over 100 members. While we are proud to be a part of the 170,000 AAUW members nationwide who provide a powerful voice for women and girls, we are even prouder to be members of our local branch.

We are a warm and caring group. Our monthly programs are interesting and informative. In addition, our branch offers participation in a number of activity groups, including a variety of book clubs, foreign policy discussions), hiking, genealogy, knitting, opera and many others. Each group provides opportunities for members to get to know one another better and to form lasting connections.

We give generously to our community through scholarships for college students, as well as for junior high girls to attend math and science camp or other AAUW STEM projects. We provide Kiva loans for international women. We network with other local organizations. Our fundraising efforts are fun and successful. And we are there for one another in many ways, caring and supporting each other, sharing joys and sorrows, and always looking for ways to empower one another and others to be the very best we can be.

Membership is open to all graduates who hold an associate (or equivalent), baccalaureate or higher degree. We serve the Santa Margarita, Atascadero, and Templeton corridor of San Luis Obispo County. Occasionally we have accepted members from other areas as well, such as Paso Robles. We are a diverse group of women and always seek to increase our diversity. There are no barriers to full participation in our branch, or this organization, based on gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin, or disability.